What’s the home system? This page uncovers the galactical location of the series. Our first book is located on the super-planet, Hetra, and is the very center of the Hibryds Cinematic Universe, located in a solar system called The Nhumela Cluster.
Outside the solar system exists a galaxy where all the stories reside in. It is called, "Anadeya's Eye," where every plot takes place. Anadeya's Eye is shaped as an eye that has a spiraling effect. Now you may begin to ask and wonder, "Where is Planet Hetra?"
The Nhumela Cluster (the story's solar system) rests in the galaxy we know as Anadeya's Eye. This is where the story takes place!
Goldilock Zone
The habitable zone is the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets. This distance from the Sun is called the habitable zone, or the Goldilocks zone.
Purple Sun(s)
Purple Suns are sometimes mentioned in the story, and they burn at a hot rate at 687 Helphranites, while maintaining a cool glow.
Every solar system has a sun that burns immense heat. And as we know in general, the sun is a star. This said star is in the center of the Nhumela Cluster, where 5 Planets orbit around! The Sun is roughly 178,270 Heunix (miles) in size. The sun's gravitational waves launches themselves at both horizontal, diagonal, vertical heunixs, allowing planets to orbit around the sun at different angles, or at different orbital rings. This sun isn’t your average typical yellow sun. The sun is actually a Passion Star.
A Passion Star is a very rare type of star, where it emits so brightly, it is easy to look at from space, and even from the surface of Planet Hetra (where the series takes place). This star, first spotted by Zohl (who is a Spirit of Creation), found it very beautiful. It’s not too harsh, not too cool, as it maintains a very moderate heat signature. It sometimes have solar flares once in a while, but they usually die down within 3 minutes or less. These solar flares, when scattered on Planet Hetra, gives the nightly skies a very passionate aurora borealis of colors! Passion Stars can live for a very long time, and it won’t burn out within 51 million years.