The 17 Dimensions

The Dimensional Planes of Hibryds Cinematic Universe

Within the Fictitious series and story, the Hibryds Universe has a total of 17 Dimensions. These dimensions makes up the series, and the future of the story. So, what consists within the fictitious 17 dimensions?

Basic Dimensions

  1. Length
  2. Width
  3. Depth
  4. Time
  5. Space
  6. Matter
  7. Illusion
  8. Probability
  9. Perception
  10. Reality

Multiversal Dimensions

  1. The Essence and Nostalgic vividness of Dreams
  2. The Infinitum of Possibilities
  3. All Possible Universes Branching from the Same Start Conditions
  4. All Possible Spectrums of Universes with Different Start Conditions
  5. A Plane of All Possible Universes, Different Start Conditions