In the past for the continent of Norrane, there used to be massive gem-storms that contained huge traces of Hexicules. Though after many centuries and millennia, these storms have decreased. Here are the places in Norrane that suffered from hexicules and the wild forestation growth. There are mountain islands that surround this continent and they are enveloped in fog. Getting here is risky.
A city north-west of Fallehnhelm and the Lucid Sanctum. It is near the border of Norrane. Green City Harbor used to operate well with East City Harbor (a city in Nharvenile, Lynneria), but due to the massive hexicules that Norrane is made up of, the Green City Harbor was overtaken by forestation.
A city in Norrane. It operates okay, but the crazy growth of forestation is causing the city to become more...devastated. Though the citizens are fine with the city the way it is.
The Tree of Yelenae is an ancient tree and historical landmark in Norrane. It is located south of Green City Harbor and Fallehnhelm near the border of the continent. It's next to some paths that head east towards the gate ruins that lead to the Lucid Sanctum.
South of both the Fallen Ruins and the Lucid Sanctum in Norane. It's the gateway to both places.
South of the Lucid Sanctum, located in the center of Norrane. This place houses ancient knowledge of the past.