Hunter Noxx / Incognito
To be Determined
Recurring Villian/Nemesis
<< Villain Name >> Incognito
<< Real Name >> Hunter Noxx
<< Age >> 25
<< Gender >> Male
<< Role >> Villain/Nemesis
<< DOB >> Griselmber 33rd, 1997
<< Race >> Zytkx Humanoid
Incognito, also known as Hunter Noxx, is a Zytkx Humanoid that came from DEMS-24. He used to be apart of theHibrythian Side of DEMS-24, but he turned on that team and joined the Secular-Christian party. He lead the Revolutionary Army from the Christian party and fought against his own kind. However, one being that was so powerful had stopped Noxx in his tracks. His name was Tydel Nova. Tydel Nova is and was the original variant of Kydel (from the Hibryoverse Continuity) and was an extremely well known being of his team.