Here, you'll discover what types of legends and myths make up the majority of the Hibryds Cinematic Universe.
Most legends are answered in the pilot book, and some myths too. There will be some that don't have an answer or are still a mystery to this day. These are also important for the worlds' ancient history and also how everything came to be.
Most of these texts, myths, legends, and lores are found within Zentell's Library, which will be quoted and used here for further future book plots, backgrounds, and history.
Within Ancient Hetra's Past, there long lived Dinosaurs. Big ferocious beast creatures that once roamed every corner on Hetra. The most activeness of Dinosaurs lived on Ancient Varleqe and Norrane. However, within the great Jurassic Era, there was a global, massive ice-storm that forced most of the land dinosaurs underground. Some became buried within the lands, and some sea dinosaurs fled up north to the Alarctic Alpines. After the passing of the storm, no dinosaur ever set foot back on those lands. Instead, their move to the undergrounds made them adapt to the surroundings. Although, some of those dinosaurs still exist, since many have evolved over time to adapt to current modern civilization.
There are still some dinosaurs that still thrive to this day, despite some of the others have moved underground. Current Saurus' on Planet Hetra:
The Composganthus are small dinosaur species that lives on mountains on Varleqe. There are only 100 of these left. As they adapted over time, they have learned to be curious and friendly creatures. They're herbivores and only eat plants.
Avian Dinosaurs that snack on bats and bugs. There are only 40 left of these and they live on Norrane.
Now that Planet Hetra has evolved, many fossils have been dug up throughout the course of time and have been displayed on museums.
Displayed Fossils: